E. Sensual Tantric Massage

Friday, March 3, 2023 7:00PM - March 5 6:30PM
By Soriya Case and Christophe Ceri


Sales are closed for this event.




Christophe's innovative E.SENSUAL (Energy-Based) TANTRIC MASSAGE... With NEW, additional THAI Massage techniques integrated in!


Come join US to learn this INNOVATIVE & POTENT... "ENERGY-BASED"... TANTRIC MASSAGE SYSTEM... which I believe you'll find, is distinctly different from the other Tantric & Sensual Massage approaches you may have seen.

MAYBE... you have heard of, or even attended, other Tantric Massage classes... no doubt, that was a good start...

NOW... Here's your chance to move up a level (or two!) and experience the most Powerful & Refined system currently available!... In a FUN SETTING!

** SPACE IS LIMITED due to venue size and... this workshop sells-out consistently **


These "Energy-Based" techniques were created based on more than "45 years" of Chi Gong energy training, Tantra and "Human Energetics" study.

And... THE FLOW... was designed to be experienced as a shamanic.... "OTHER-WORLDLY, SENSUAL & EROTIC JOURNEY"

Like the people below... your partners will be blissfully blown away

"I can't believe how powerful these techniques are!"..Pauline S. (Mi.)

"THIS WAS PROBABLY THE BEST INVESTMENT I MADE ALL YEAR!".... Anthony J...(Bodywork Professional, Mexico)

"No-one has ever touched me like this before....IT'S SO AMAZING!"...Fiona P. ...(Relationship Coach, Europe)

"When I use your techniques, THE RESPONSE I GET FROM MY CLIENTS IS AWESOME!"... Erika H. (Tantric/Sensual Massage professional)

Join one of the most experienced & innovative teachers in the country to learn this POWERFUL... "NEW"... SYSTEM..... Come as a couple or a single...& enjoy this detailed, deep & fun weekend experience.

ESTM WEBSITE LINK: http://www.esensualmassage.com/

You will learn a powerful... and honestly..."SUPER HOT"....Sensual Massage System where ancient Tantric techniques fluidly blend with awesome modern twists and "Energetic Principles"!!!


A COMPLETE "CODIFIED SEQUENCE"... of 30+ massage techniques designed to carefully & effectively build and move Sensual & Erotic Energy!

Certain UNIQUE STROKES designed for each gender

HOW TO USE ENERGY to subtly raise the level of arousal


Special techniques for indirect EROTIC AROUSAL

TANTRIC RITUAL for conducting the massage



CHI GONG ENERGY EXERCISES for charging your hands with "CHI" energy for the massage.

PLUS.... a 20+ page booklet of WORKSHOP NOTES!


"It was a true pleasure in so many ways. I WISH EVERYBODY COULD EXPERIENCE IT!"...Liliana Podvin...(TV personality & Sex Educator, Quito, Ecuador)

"This workshop opened up all kinds of doors for me, teaching me incredible energetic techniques and... MAKING ME A BETTER LOVER!... It was an amazing experience, fun and joyful and worth every penny!... Brian (S.D.)

"I've studied under & been worked on by the most well known Tantra Teachers in the country....and I have to say that I like the quality of your touch BETTER THAN ANY I'VE EXPERIENCED!" ...Marianne A...(Tantra Teacher & Sensual Massage Therapist, S.F. Bay Area)


SINGLES: Men & women who desire to "Wow" their dates by taking their "Pleasure Giving Skills" to a whole new level!

COUPLES: Who would like to enhance the sensuality.... and deepen the intimacy in their relationship.

PROFESSIONALS: Tantric & Sensual Massage Professionals who want to add "new & unique techniques" to their offerings to stand out from the competition and increase their number of "repeat customers" and "enthusiastic referrals"!

This is the.... ** ULTIMATE FOREPLAY ** ....Give your partner a "Deeply Sensual & Super Hot" Massage!

Developed through decades of combining my experience in a variety of arts.....the "E.sensual Tantric Massage" techniques combine elements of:

+ Nuru Massage
+ Taoist Erotic Massage
+ Thai Massage
+Tantra Massage
+ Deep Tissue Massage
+ Sensual Energetics
+ Chi Gong
+ And unique Sensual Stimulation techniques

These techniques have proven to be powerful & effective sensually & erotically stimulating tools for both men & women.....Learn them and see what happens to your Love life! (see testimonials below)


"I feel like something got released during the massage.... I think I just accomplished what I had not been able to in two years of personal therapy.....(and)....I noticed a change in the way I experience pleasure afterward".... Paula R. (Family Therapist, S.D.)

"You created an atmosphere of safe, heart-centered exploration of touch and your playful guidance made for a delightful experience".... Prof. Eric C. (U.C. Professor)

"This approach to sensual massage brings both partners into a communion of the senses. He adds a beautiful creative element to a Thai massage-like flow that is unique, textural, and artful and builds the energy in a subtle and yet very strong way. I highly recommend this experience!" .... Sabine R...(Massage Therapist, Yoga Teacher, Acupuncturist, S.D.)


FRIDAY.......... 7:00pm to 9:00pm (In your home. Virtual on ZOOM)
SATURDAY..... 10:00am to 6:30pm
SUNDAY........ 10:00am to 6:30pm

Note that the 2 hour Friday evening session will be experienced "Virtually" on Zoom, in your own home

QUESTIONS: email us at... [email protected]

*** IMPORTANT ***.....

+ EARLY REGISTRATION IS STRONGLY ADVISED... This workshop has "SOLD-OUT" quite consistently over the past 6 years! And is expected to once again.

A NOTE ABOUT PRICE TIERS: There are 3 price tiers with a limited # of tickets available at each tier. When Tier 1 sells out then Tier 2 is what's available.. and so on.

SINGLES: "Christophe's extensive knowledge in energy, human anatomy and wonderful group skills made this event very informative... I FELT VERY RELAXED & AT GREAT EASE WITH MY PARTNER, WHO WAS A COMPLETE STRANGER... The environment and structure Chris created let me feel safe, nurtured and cared for"... Solo Female Participant (San Francisco)

* SOLO PARTICIPANTS (singles): This class is "gender-balanced" and usually filled with about 50-60% "SOLO" male & female participants. As a solo participant, you will pair up with 2-4 other solo participants to practice with for short sections of the workshop throughout the weekend.

NOTE: For the workshop to run smoothly, if you begin the workshop as a "Solo" participant (male or female) you will need to remain in that status throughout the duration of the workshop and change to a new practice partner at every rotation point (every 3-4 hours).

"I WANT ALL OF THE MEN I KNOW TO LEARN HOW TO DO THIS!"....Christy ... (Tantric Massage Therapist, Az.)

SOLO MALES: This is a gender-balanced event and solo males must purchase a "Solo Male" ticket. The first few solo males will be "confirmed automatically"... after that, if registering alone, you will be placed on a waiting list. Your space in the event will be confirmed as soon as an additional solo female registers to balance you out. If you are unable to be confirmed, your money will be fully refunded electronically the day after the event. Of course, another option is for you to find someone among your contacts to register with as a pair (though you are welcome to participate as individuals and rotate among the single participants).

SAME GENDER COUPLES are warmly invited to attend by purchasing a "Couple's/Pair" ticket.

COMMUNITY SUPPORT ..... If you can comfortably afford to purchase your ticket at a higher tier....we encourage you to do so as that will make a lower tiered ticket available for someone in the community who may be in need of it due to their financial status. Thank you so much for kindly considering this

NOTE: The techniques in this Level 1 course are deeply sensual & moderately erotic.... but do not involve any direct manual-genital massage techniques (which can be learned in "Level 2 & 3")


+ This a "heart-centered....touch positive....super-fun"... and information-rich workshop.
+ All personal boundaries will be Lovingly respected!
+ All exercises are optional or "negotiable".
+ You are welcome to wear a Covid mask if you wish.
+ COUPLES may do all exercises together if they wish.
+ SAME-SEX COUPLES are welcome to attend as a pair.


CLOTHING: Please dress so as to have as much skin exposed as possible (Women could wear thong bottom & bikini top & Men could wear a thong, briefs or boxers... nudity is also very acceptable).

PLEASE BRING: (1) a sheet (2) a large towel & small hand towel (3) Massage oil (coconut oil?) preferably in a spill-proof dispenser! (4) Wet-Wipes (5) A bag lunch each day. Note that there will not be enough time to "go out" for lunch.

ZERO RISK GUARANTEE: I am confident that you will receive valuable skills, have plenty of Fun and feel enriched by this highly detailed journey....OR... your $$ back! (must be requested within a week of the workshop completion). Seriously......I am absolutely committed to everyone's happiness, personal growth & satisfaction!

CANCELLATION POLICY: 7 days notice required for a full refund. After that point, I am happy to offer 50% of your registration as credit towards any of my future events.

BOUNDARIES: Christophe will create a "safe space" where everyone’s individual boundaries will be lovingly respected...…and all exercises are by personal choice only! This event is carefully designed so that attendees can choose to participate at the level that feels comfortable to them in each moment..…. and…..the conditions will be created for each person to play with and expand their boundaries at their own pace. You are invited to be in control of your own journey.


CHRISTOPHE... Creator of the "E.SENSUAL TANTRIC MASSAGE" tm & "ENERGY BASED SENSUALITY" tm Systems. Christophe is a Tantra, Sensuality & Sex Educator with nearly 50 years experience in Tantra, Chi Gong Energy Work and "Relational Energetics", who conducts workshops & retreats throughout Europe, Asia, Australia & North, Central America.

Having the unusual upbringing of being raised by a mother who was an early teacher in these fields...Christophe began his studies in the early 70's while in his teens and in 1974 entered an "immersive/residential 10 year program", being trained in Tantra, Meditation, Eastern Mysticism & “Relational Energetics"... as well as Chi Gong.

He has been teaching as a "full-time profession" since 1979 and uses his decades of teaching experience to design these detailed & fun workshops....which address vitally important aspects of Human Relating from an "ENERGETIC" standpoint. He is a regularly featured presenter at international conferences on Tantra, Sexuality & Consciousness.

PRIVATE SESSIONS: Christophe will be available for a very limited number of Private Sessions (in the days before & after the workshop) in Tantra, E.Sensual Tantric Massage and Private Coaching for individuals & couples addressing Sexual Response as well as other aspects of Emotional & Sexual Intimacy concerns or upgrades.

For rates and scheduling please reach out by Email at: [email protected]

MORE INFO can be found at http://www.esensualmassage.com/intimacy-coaching